
Showing posts from February, 2008

Extraordinary person - Vladimir Shikin

Hello there. I'm completing reading a book called "Easter Memory" which I bought in Diveevo and all these days I have been running under its great impression. The main personality there is a priest Vladimir Shikin, whose life is a real example of the life of a Saint. I've never thought that such people still can live among us and what he had done to people is really possible in our cruel time. The impression became even greater when I realized that I might have known him. I have two main reasons for this. Firstly, he studied in the MSSU at the same time as I did. Secondly, his face, in the early photographs I found in the book, seems to be very familiar to me. When I was in Diveevo, I just didn't realize that he was so great a person as we've become accustomed to hearing about some people who can do wonders or are like Saints etc. I just looked at the cross on his grave (among other most outstanding Diveevo's Saints) not knowing and realizing that he was s...

Some more photos of Diveevo.

Dear all. I've been greatly impressed by my trip to Diveevo, though it was not easy to do so many things within two days we had there, and almost no sleep at all. However, it's said that "What you do in the name of God will be rewarded". Perhaps, this saying is very, very true as Marina's - my daughter, and my energy throughout this trip was unending. Now I want to publish some photos that show the mistery and the mightiness of the Russian Holy Land - Diveevo. Mind, that the big tree in one of the pictures was planted by Saint Aleksey, the son of the Russian Tsar Nicolos II. The Tsar's family frequently visited Diveevo before Revolution in October 1917 for advice and worshipping. The tree has a small inscription on the stem about the Prince. Strange as it may seem, but the tree is really very different from other trees there as if it has been accumulating energy for almost 100 years, when it was planted and now it is very strong and healthy. The famous Holy ...

Diveevo is one of the best places in Russia!

I've been in Diveevo with my elder daughter Marina trying to settle my aunt's business. I don't want to write about the business itself, the only thing I can say is that it brought us to the local hotel in the monastery where we shared with nuns and their relations visiting them. My experience there gave me a kind of inside look into the life of this very close community of really extraordinary people - nuns and monks. Some of those people are just laborers there and they don't have any rank, but all of them are very different and special. First of all, just imagine waking up every day at 4:30am to be on time at the service which starts at 5 am and lasts for 4-5 hours. And this is not only in the morning, but in the afternoon prolonged till 7:30 pm. I don't mind that as it's a little compared with what we can sacrifice for the God's Name. But still it's not for everyone. I really respect all those people there. What’s more, they eat very little or don...