
Showing posts from April, 2011

Happy Easter!!!

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Days Before Great Easter

Hey there, it's still cold and grey in Moscow, but Easter is coming!!! I examined near Saint Tatiana's Church on Bolshaya Nikitskaya and took a photo of it. It's a great place full of ex-MSU graduates even among prists and church goers.Tatyana is the Saint patron of students. It's a real pity I live quite far from the place, which is just in the heart of Moscow. Well, Stepan with his Granny and Marina and Kostya visited us on Sunday. They are moving to their old wooden house next to our dacha in early May when we'll be staying in Vietnam till May 14. Looking forward to the sun and warmth of the country...Love and hugs to all of you.

Scam attack is over

Dear all, It's been a long way to fix the problem with hacker's attack and break-in my box. But now it's, hopefully, over thanks to Olia and some other knowledgeable people who supported me and helped me with advice. Now my hotmail has been reset with a new password. However, a few of my contacts, who are Real Friends, responded to the 'False Emergency' emails spread around by hackers as I was unable to use my hotmail over this period of time. They made my old password unrecognizable and corresponded with my contacts asking for money. Now that everything is over, I do apologize for all the trouble caused and hope to stay in touch with you. Change your passwords every 3-6 months as it's really very important for safety. Well, it's still windy and snowy in Moscow, spring doesn't seem to be coming. Our small pieces of forest around dacha look miserable after all those mishaps we'd had during this winter. Love and hugs to all of you.