
Showing posts from July, 2011

Olia's American Citizenship

Hey there, After some troubles and problems, Olia eventually got her American Citizenship. All of us are Happy!!! Congratulations, Olia!!! Great step in your life. We are together with you in all your deeds. You are a brave and loving daughter...Have a look at some pics I stole from her facebook album...

My 1st AudioBoo

This is my 1st AudioBoo post 4 my dear Nana, Sopo and Salo in Tbilisi. I got some troubling news from them and here is my response: Tanushka (mp3) Love and hugs to u...

5-Day Holiday in Tbilisi

Hey there, Here I am, in Tbilisi, Georgia, to see my sister, nieces and places of my childhood. I'm flying back tomorrow so I must say the trip is a success. For three full days I visited so many places that are very dear to me and I saw so many good things. The city, in general, has become much more civilized and very clean as well as safe.A lot of historic buildings (e.g. the house where my Grand great parents lived - the former House of the Dam) are being renovated. There are a lot of Police cars all over the city and people behave in a more European way, I mean clothing, behavior, smiles etc. I'm very happy for these chnges. However, there are still many very poor people and beggars along every street, which makes overall impression not so favorable. But, perhaps, this road to success will take muh more time. Have a look at some pics I made there. Love and hugs to all...

Big and Small and the Dog

Hey there, Here I am at dacha, Friday 1'7'11. The weather is very hot and dacha is the only way to escape from Moscow and huge traffic jams there. Academic year is over and I'm looking forward to flying to Tbilisi, to go to my Mom's grave and to see my sister and nieces as well as some school friends. I already bought tickets and are to fly on July 11 andbe back 15. Actually,it is a flying trip, but it's enough, I think. Slavs is going to be in China on businesstrip over this period of time, so we'll meet on July 15. Well, Stasik and Stephan met each other at dacha and I made some funny photos of them and the tiny dog which belongs to the girl from next dacha...