On the Eve of Pancake Day

Well, the Shrove Tuesday is coming. In Russia it's called the Pancake Day. Actually this is the whole week when people are eating, going to see relatives and friends and drinking. This time is before the Great Fast, which proceeds the Big Christmas Day. The latter is going to be fairly early this year, on April 19th. So the incoming week will be full of fairs all over Moscow where people can eat pancakes with honey, butter, caviar, or even Russian herring. I love this holiday, though it's pagan (non christian) it's typically Russian and there is usually a lot of show and sun on these days. We walked around our dacha and took some nice photos of the snow drifts and some places with lots of snow. Now it's -12C. So, we love such weather. Anyway, remember and love you all and look forward to hearing from you...