
Showing posts from September, 2010


2 Bros See and download the full gallery on posterous


2 Bros See and download the full gallery on posterous

Dima, Lena and us at Rublevo Uspenskoe

Hey there, Here I am feeling better and very happy to have a nice opportunity to see my dear cousin Dima and his wife Lena from Indianapolis (the USA) here in Moscow. He is giving talks on his medical practice in some public places in Moscow and then going to Yaroslavle to see his ex-medical school fellows. We all arranged to meet at Rublevo-Uspenskoe (Rublevka) where Slava's and Dima's business partner called Roman lives with his wife Asya and kids. The place and the house are really grand and beautiful. Everything is first class there. His family is very friendly and welcoming. We took some photos there so you can see how it's different from where ordinary Russians live. In the meantime, I've enrolled for an appointment with another doctor who is said to be able to cure my leg and spine. It's going to be on Tuesday. Let's hope for the best then...

Achieve IELTS Higher

This is my Google Search video on IELTS. Don't be critical. This is my post

September 10 is my hospital day...

Hey there. I've just come back from a private clinic 'Soyuz', which is located very close to my house. It's just opposite the major Moscow jail 'Matrosskaya Tishina'. I had my 5th spine disc treated for pain and it lasted for 6 hours with 5,5 hours spent lying in bed after injection. Now I feel much better but unable to sleep, so sitting and writing this post. Next session is likely to be on Tuesday so it's gonna be my 4th spine disc. Before the day I visited Pokrovsky monastery with Matrona Moskowskaya remains and preyed for the good luck... The treatment was an expensive experience but it's worth it. People were nice and friendly. Keep wishing me good luck again...

New School Year and Something else.

Hey there, Back to school and hello autumn! But this year started not as usual, with some problems and the illness that is not over yet. I was said by the doctor that I'll have to take some serious medical treatments on my spine. Otherwise, I may keep staggering, which is not like me and is really painful. I hope that medical cure will help me and I get over all this. Let's keep your fingers crossed for me... Love you all...