
Dima in Moscow2

Hey there, Here are some pics we took during the second part of Dima's visit to Moscow, November 2013. We enjoyed seeing each other twice bur Slava only once, on Monday Nov  25th2013. Anyway, it was something that I'll remember for a long time and which is better than any social network or another type or virtual communication. Dimka, please, come again, we'll be Happy:)) Hugs and love to all...Lena, thanks for the scarf...Have a look...

Dima in Moscow

Hey there. It was so nice to see Dimka at the 'Painkiller management' conference held in Holoday Inn, Sokolnoki. He looked very presentable and professional and I was proud of him! We had I cup of coffe and talked for a while. So nice to be with your nearest and dearest...

Marina & Stephan

Hey there, Here I'm at dacha in mid Novber. The weather is still relatively warm with no snow and some grass.arina & the family have just visited. Kostya started working on a new rented car. Stephan is going to the kindergarten. They seem to be fine. Thanks God! Made some pics.. Love to all.

Moscow House of Music

It is really amazing both from outside and inside. It's my first time here at the Hose of Music and I hope to come here again. Today we enjoy Russian Symphony orchestra with Spanish guitarist and Moris Ravel's Bolero:) Great!

One Year After Google Academy is Over

Мои размышления о прошедшем времени с момента встречи в офисе Google 2-3 ноября 2012г на ул Балчуг и получения звания преподавателя Google и соответствующего значка. Дело в том, что особых размышлений у меня не было, а было продолжение работы как с инструментами Google, так и другими инструментами Web2. Однако встреча в Академии Google от 2-3 ноября дала большой толчок к расширению интересов, а самое главное, к возможности учиться у коллег через общение в G+. Спасибо всем, кто делится находками и достижениями, всегда читаю с интересом и примеряю на себя. Еще раз большое СПАСИБО Хотя я и не могу показать свои курсы и уроки, тк они находятся в закрытой оболочке LMS eFront НИУ ВШЭ, но значимые публикации по работам «После Академии Google 2012» приведены в журнале УЧЕНЫЕ ЗАПИСКИ НАЦИОНАЛЬНОГО ОБЩЕСТВА ПРИКЛАДНОЙ ЛИНГВИСТИКИ : • ОПЫТ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ КОРПУСНЫХ ОНЛАЙН ИНСТРУМЕНТОВ И GOOGLE ФОРМ ПРИ ПОДГОТОВКЕ К ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОМУ ЭКЗАМЕНУ ПО АНГЛИЙСКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ СТУДЕНТОВ БАКАЛАВРОВ ФАКУЛЬ...

Omsk of Aunt Nadya and Dostoevsky literature

Hey there. It is my 3d visit to Omsk but I keep admiring this city. This time I found for myself Dostoensky museum and was also really moved at the cemetery where aunt Nadya and granny Liza were baried. The places in Omsk are touching and very special.. Have a look at some pics. Love to you all:)) it is snowing in here...

Tartuffe at Malya Bronnaya

Hi, I've just got back from a very good play Tartuffe by Molier staged at Malya Bronnaya theatre with Victor Sukhorulov , Agripina Steklova and Alexandr Samoilenkp in the lead roles. We really enjoyed the acting and the theatre itself.Sukhorukov  was incredible! On Friday I'm flying to Omsk for inspection. Hope not to be frozen... Love and hugs to you...))

Kaliningrad in October

Hey there, It's Kaliningrad's inspection now. I arrived safely in the morning and now are staying at Moscow hotel. It's just in the centre of the city, which looks really good and European to me. I was there some 5-6 years ago and can see the changes for better. By day I went around the local Zoo and really enjoyed it. Anim als look happy and well fed. Tomorrow I'm busy but the rest of the day is free and I'll go somewhere and hugs to all of you:)

Hi from dacha in October

It's an  October now and the view of dacha and surroundings is not as beautiful as always in autumn. It's because the September was very wet and rainy and all the trees got grey. It's a pity but that's it. Have a look at some pics in the theatre (Zheleznpdprpznokov DK- Filatpv's play - Obychnaya Istorya) and the dacha. Love and hugs..:))

Bulgakov' museum and Moscow- Petushki by Yarofeev

It was an odd place and a magic performance at the basement of the Bulgakov's museum near Patriarshie Prudy. We liked the acting of young actors and the place itself. Now we want to see more plays there. Love and hugs to all:)

Visit to Cambridge CIU is over

Hey there, Here I am in our Udelnaya dacha sitting and writing about my 3-day trip to Cambridge CIU for 3 days with Sept 13th - the busy Big Meeting Day. It's so wet and humid in Moscow now - it's raining non-stop, but it was much better in Cambridge. Though it was drizzling sometimes in Cambridge, there were some sunny spells and the view of the river Can with its gorgeous punts (boats) with people in them and parks with flowers on either side were really impressive. The whole city, which preserves its history so carefully, made me feel envious of those who live and work there. Must be amazing! I stayed in the St. Katherine College, just in the heart of Cambridge, and I could see from the vindow an old neighbouring house wall with Virgin Mary's statue which made it so beautiful and misterious... Have a look at some pics I made there. The man next to me is Wayne, he's from Turkey, Izmir but the British