
Weekend on Russian River and Andy's Triatlon

Hey there, this weekend was very special. First, Andy took part in Triatlon race and a bg marathon was held in SF along the Golden Gate Bridge. Second, we went to the Russian River where Olia's friend Jennifer has got a cabin - a small wooden house on the River in the Red Wood forest. We call such cabins 'dacha'. Goapa, the doggy, started swimming there for the first time! It was funny. Have a look at some pics and video. Love and hugs!

Half-Moon Bay

Hey there, today we've driven to the Half- Moon Bay and then to the Gillroy Outlet for shopping. It was a long drive along freeways and winding roads. But it was worth doing. We enjoyed every moment of that. Have a look at SE pics:))

Weekend at a Mystery Spot and Monterey Bay

Hey there. Olia, Andy, Yana and both of us - Slava and me drove to the Mystery Spot place near Santa Cruz and after that we stayed at the Hayatt hotel in Monterey city. In the morning we went to the b iggest   in the world M onterey Marine Life Aquarium. Both sights were amazing. Mystery Spot is a small place in the forest with abnormal gravitation and magnetic field, which makes you feel dizzy. For example, balls roll from  down the surface to upwards. Short people look tall, you stand straight but it looks as if you fall!! So it's worth visiting. Have a look at some pics. Love to all:))

Wallnutcreak & Fort Fanston Beach

Yesterday we drove to Wallnutcreak and the Lafayette lake near it. It was a nice drive with me driving Andy's Tayota Matrix car.  Today we spent almost 2 hours at Ocean Beach in SF, not far from Oluia's place. It was really amazing , we walked on the sand, climbed the hills, walked trough eucaliptos trees forest and enjoyed ourselves. Have a look at some pics. Love and hugs..

Discovery Museum

Hey there, today we've been to "Discovery Museum" in Sau Salito beyond Golden Gate Bridge. Yanochka loved SE exhibits designed for very young children, but all in all it was a nice outing. Today is Stasik's birthday!!! Many hugs and kisses to my handsome and smart grandson! Love you and wish you all the very best:)). SE pics are here:

Staying at Olia's at SF

Hey there. We're staying at Olia's in SF. The weather is colder than on NYC. Foggy, windy and sometimes cool with some sunny spells. We go to different places in the city. Today we've been to the Pier and Mc Lauren park with Yana and Andy. Have a look at some to all from us:)