
Russian River and Armstrong Red Wood Park

Hey there, Our last outing was for 2 days at Jennifer's dacha. It us near Sustin creek and Russian River's mouth going into Oacific Ocean. It's pretty cool there, unlike Sacramento. Here're some pics. Love and hugs to all my nearest.


Hey there, My sweethearts are here, in Sacramento at "Skool on K". Love and hugs to all my hearest snd deatest.

July in Sacramento..

Hey there. Here we are in Sacramento with Olia, Andy and kids - Yanochka and Kai. It is very hot here and we are getting used to it after cool Moscow weather. We hope to swim in the pool and go on some outings. Kai is a very cute, strong and funny boy. Olia and Andy are doing their best to cope with two young kids, which is not easy. Looking forward to seeing Mother Ann and Michael here in early August. Live and hugs to my dearest.

Dear Misha, Dima and Lena Are Here

Hey there. Good news - my dear relatives - Misha, Dima and Lena are now in Moscow, staying at the hostel near Belorysskaya metro. It's great to see all of them, desite not very comfortable weather in Moscow these days. Today Misha and I have been at Red Square, at Tverskaya and Arbat street and also at Mytnaya 54 home. We took some photos and hope to go on sightseeing tomorrow. On Friday Misha- Grandfather is coming from Orel. Then they fly to Tbilisi. Good luck! Hugs to all!

Dacha Gatherings

Hey there, The weather is not very sunny and enjoyable near Moscow these days, but still we're happy to see our nearest and dearest altogether. On Friday I also hope to see Lena, she's very busy but we're meeting early in the morning, just before Dima£Misha'  coming. Hugs and kisses to you!!

Siberia June 2017

Image Hi there, It's been long since I last posted. Now I'm lying at Tyumen business class lounge. It's been a long jouney: Perm (07.06), Novosibirsk (08.06) and Tyumen (10.06). Now it's over and I can say about my best impressions about the city of Tobolsk. I travelled there on June 10 and was guided by two very nice and handsome men: Alexander and Eygene. The city is absolutely fabulous! I'm remember it forever!!! Дом генерал губернатора, где отбывал первую ссылку Николай Ii с семьей. Сейчас реставрируют под музей. Александровский сад, напротив дома, там они гуляли. Иртыш, недалеко от их дома. Кремль Тобольска, верхняя часть города. Вид на Иртыш из Кремля Абалакский мужской монастырь Абалакский мужской монастырь Вид на реку Тобол с Абалакского монастыря. Вход в музей Г. Распутина в с. Покровское. Место, где останавливалась царская семья около дома Г. Распутина. Кремль Тобольска с группой монахов и администрацие...

Great Day - Grandson Kai Vitaliy Is Born

Hey there, On May 22 Olia gave birth to the boy - 3.8kg and 54cm. His name is going to be Kai Vitaliy according to Andy&Olua' wish. He is very cute and very man like child. Olia is already at home. Hugs to all my dearest... On this day I dropped in Donskoi monastery exactly at a time of his arrival. God Bless him!!!

Kostroma Mid May 2017

Hi there. Today I've returned from Kostroma, my favourite city not far from Moscow. It was nice weather there, but we missed the return train from Yaroslavl and had to take a taxi. So it was rather stressful SE session. But I hope it was good experience too. Love and hugs to my dearest.

Turkey, Akka near Kemer, early May

Hey there, here we are in Akka hotel. It is near Kemer, 50 min drive from Antalya. The place is gorgeous - surrounded by mountains and forests. The sea is blue and splendid too. The water is rather cool - 18-19C, but I swim at least 3 times every day. There are not so many other swimmers though. We enjoy the surroundings as well as fresh air and food here, but stay only at the hotel. Terrorism is still likely in Turkey. Love and hugs to all my nearest and dearest.

Vladivostok April 22

Hey there, here I am at Zhemchuzhina hotel, Vladivostok. I arrived on April 21 and leaving tomorrov, onnApril 23. It was really sunny and warm here, unlike Moscow, where it was 0 or +2-3 for the whole week. So I liked my stay here as I saw the new  granite pedestal of Nicolas II  and the original icon of Virgin Port Artur. Hugs and love to all my dearest!