Looking back on USA - figure skating with tears

Here I'd like to tell you about that day. It'll stuck in my memory forever as one of most bizzare days in my life.

It was the very Eve of New Year, December 30th. My family startet toying with the idea of going figure skating in the morning. First, I didn't take them seriously, then I realized that I couldn't help it. They were so pushy that I agreed to join but without my skating.
Frankly speaking, I'm a risk-taker, but for no reasons at all on that day, I didn't feel like skating. I don't know why. My gloomy promonitions got even worse when we spent about 30 min. standing in line to the ticket box with lots of overenthuziastic Afro and Chinese kids chewing Burgers or Nuudles from big plastik boxes with their parents doing the same.
However, the moment we got skating boots and a glisterring skating-rink with splendid music was only one step ahead, I lost my mind. All my premonitions wore off and I bravely stepped on the ice. My first movements were rather wobbly but then, little by little, I took control over my skating. Oh, I managed to remember my old hobby, yet long-forgotten because of no practice at all. I could do skating and it was really great! At least, for some 25-30 mins it was so.

In this state I was very proud of myself. You can see it from the photograph.
Well, the rest of this story you know, which is not funny at all. But still, I have no regrets about that day and, by no means, I want to put the blame on my family.


minats said…
I welcome you to write your comments on this article. What would you do if you were in my shoes?
Ford said…
I dont know!!!I have my own shoes/I dont need your's

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