I've paid the money for the FCE- December 2007

Dear all,
On Monday, I paid the money for four of you,namely Marina, Kiril, Ann and Sergei. His Dad brought the money just before me filling in the forms at the British Council. I don't know about other students. If they wish to sit the exam in December, they'll have to do all the formalities themselves before Friday, September 28th. But there will be crowds of people and lines to the cash desk.
Well, I still welcome you to use my site for Writing. Your login and passwords I've already given to you. If you experience problems reaching your page, call or e-mail me.
Now, I'm publishing some more photos from Vietnam. Here you can see our friends from Texas - John and Honey. John used to be a young US solder in the Vietnamise war. At that time he was 19 years old. He goes to Vietnam every five or six years so as to watch this contry's development. He's glad that Vietnam is becoming a really good place to visit and live. Just as my husband and I, John and his wife Honey are really fascinated by the people there. The point is, they are not rich or sophisticated but they look really happy and contented with their life. Probably, they know the secret of "How to be happy?" And what about us?


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