I'm going to Saratov on December 6th

I'm writing to say that I'm leaving for Saratov tomorrov at 6p.m. by train. I'll be examining there YLE, KET, PET all day long on December 7th. Barbara Danshina, their cief administrator and her colleagues managed to set up an open exam centre there and now they've started administering exams without BC Moscow. By the way, the BC is closing down its exam office since January 1st, 2008. It's a great pity, as everything has always been so well organized by the BC. From now on, these functions will be given to a number of open centres all around Russia, which,I hope so, will continue good work and exams administration. I'll write about my first impression about the open center Saratov as soon as I get back home from there and I also hope to publish some photos. Let's get in touch then.


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