Just for a change - an amazing lion!!!

Look at these two guys from England an a baby lion. They reared it for some time at home, in England, then, when it reached maturuty, they were forced by the authorities to send it back to Africa and set it free in a wildlife sanctuary. They did exactly so and in a year time they returned to the wild to see what happened to their ex-friend. The African scientists warned them that the lion would not remember them, but when it noticed the two guys, it behaved like a sweet pussycatjumping on each guy in a cat's manner!!! This event, in my opinion, dismisses the common notion that grown up lions have short memories and are always agressive and dangerous. Good news!!!
P.S. Sorry, but I am unable to attach the video showing this exceptionally unusual reunion in the African jungle as it takes a lot of time to download. It's a pity!


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