My working for HSE and other autumn news

Hello there. Some time's passed and I realized that I haven't posted to my blog and said about any news in my life during this autumn 2008. Eventually, good, bright and relatively warm days settled in Moscow and I really enjoy the fabulous colours in the streets and from my kitchen-window. You can have a look and make sure I'm not lying. Well, as for the business matters, I've been teaching 4 groups of 1st year students and 2 groups of 2d year students who are studying to become IT engeeneers and businessmen. Generally, they are good kids from all over Russia. I guess they are the children of some important, high profile people as entering HSE is not easy. To be honest, I don't really understand many terms in the IT coursebooks, but trying to give the impression of being knowleagable and confident is the only thing I can do now. That's the point and a trick at the same time from my side. I hope I can understand IT English better when I'm in the middle of the book. Dreaming...
So that's not much of what I wanted to say but I must finish now...


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