Trainer Training seminars in BC Moscow
Hey there,
this week I've been busy attending seminars on "Learning Technologies" for EL teachers. It was held at BC Moscow form Monday to Friday and it was quite tiring, but very interesting, indeed. Two leading British trainers gave us a lot of info about some useful educational tools called Web 2 technologies. Some I know and even use, but there was somewhat new to me as well.For example, I learned that in the US some Stanfors teachers use social networking sites such as Facebook or MySpace for teaching! In order to know more about Facebook, I even signed up and got surprised to see a few familiar faces (my former University mates) on it. It's in English so these people must live in english speaking countries now. And they were the brightest students on the course...
I didn't try to get in contact with them as I know that it's very addictive and time-consuming. May be later?...I don't know if I really want this so much.
Well, the autumn is on its way but the dacha surroundings look really gorgeous.
My hugs to you...