February is really bright this year!

Hi everyone,
I decided to post this update right now after walking around our dacha and thinking hard over John's set of pictures in a slideshow that I got yesterday. Those slides show mostly dark sides of our Russian life; people drinking, kids taking this example, messy situations etc. It was a kind of promotion of a very negative image of Russia. Surely, some aspects of life here can be really rough, ecpesially for those who are seeking only them. But generally, I wouldn't agree with the message of those slides as in any country one can find sth reflecting only dark sides. So today, on this bright and sunny day (-20C) I've made some funny shots which show other features of 'Russian Character'- extremely odd for foreigners behaviour (those people are not drunk) and love for sth else except drinking. Anyway, Jon, thanks a lot for the slides and keep sending sth like that. It gives food for thoughts.
Have a look...