Misfortuned end of August

Hi there,
It's been long since I posted. The reason is a long period of bad luck and misfortune after happy vocation in Croatia. First, I got seriously ill (kind of virus with temperature and persistent coughing) just after I'd experienced strong stress. The problem was that I got two new hot/cold water meteres put in our toilet shortly after vocation. They cracked when we were at dacha. We received a phone call from our neighbour who said that you'd already flooded all flats underneath. Can you imagine my state while drining a car back home???
Well, my illness started right on the following day doubled by strong pain in my spine.
However, the good news is that today (one week later), the repairing we launched at dacha before our vocation,with Marina and Kostya keeping eye on the repairmen, has been over and we had I new kitchen furniture put in it. Despite my illness, I cleaned up after all this and now we really enjoy bright orange colours of our newly looking kitchen at dacha. It's raining heavily outside but we're sitting in a warm kitchen and drinking hot tea.
Have a look at some piks...
Love and miss you...


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