'Usual Miracle' at 'Dubrovka' Concert Hall

It was so nice to see 'Usual Miracle', a musical and beautiful love story at Dubrovka concert hall yesterday. It was on the day of massive public unrest in Moscow with nationalists and milicia conflicts all over the centre of Moscow, so we had to go there on metro. This is a notorious concert hall that was taken control of by Chechen terrorists in October 2004. There were 800 people there at that time and many of them died.The terrorists kept people as hostages for 2 days then a gas attack was undertaken by the army forces and many people were freed. Now there is a memorial for those who died there but the hall itself is still very popular. We were there for the first time and I took some photos of the place. Anyway, I felt a bit uneasy there, but the music and acting were perfect. Got back home only late at night as traffic jams were awful all day and night...
Bye for now...


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