Dima&Lena in Moscow. Great!

Dear all, My dearest brother Dima who has been living in America for over 20 years is in Moscow now. He came for a week to see his wife Lena have some medical practice and see relatives and friends. It was really nice and warm being with them for almost 2 hours in the cafe just in the center of Moscow, near Belorusskaia metro. He looks good and I am really happy he has come to Russia and can see new Moscow and us - older but the same people with warm feelings to him and Lena. She is the best wife who he could ever have but he is not happy with her frequent visits to Moscow as it's part of her job. I think they will cope with this problem somehow and stay happy together. Another happy moment was yesterday, November 20 - the BI HSE turned 10 years old so we saw a concert and I saw some of my ex- student who became mature and successful. Good luck and hugs to all of you...


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