January February_early March_2023

Hey There 
I haven't posted for a while, but now I want to catch up.
Many things happened over this time. Here are the main tings:
  1. on Jan 23 I attended the exhibition at Bersenevskays nab. Lumier Hall. We enjoyed Kandinskiy, Aivazovskiy and Rerikh there:

On Jan 30 Slav's sister Alya died after struggling for recovery for many years.
(Slav's Dad and Mom and Granny - they are Luthienians, Ukrainians and Russians) mamy year ago, Alya is in the centre.

Belgorod at night

3. On Feb the 16 Dima, Lena and Michael visited Granny - Mother Anna at her convent and made some good pics. I'm very happy they've done this.!!!

4. My Birthday (Feb 27) - nothing special....
5. On Feb 26 to Feb 28 my friend and I went to Vladimir and its surroundings. It was really great!!

These pics are about Vladfimir and POKROVA ON NERLI AND MANY MORE. GREAT!!!
Love and hugs to all my dearest.


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