
March 2023

Hey there, After having traveled to Vladimir, I got terribly sick with an awful skin disease - shingles. It's very painful and long. I took many kinds of medication but it still disturbs me, especially at night. But I do hope I'll get rid of it soon. I think I got it at the sauna in my fitness club (overheating). We go to dacha every Thursday and get back on Monday. At dacha, we rest and cook khachapuri and other tasty things. Hugs and kisses to all of you. I miss you and remember all of you.

January February_early March_2023

Hey There  I haven't posted for a while, but now I want to catch up. Many things happened over this time. Here are the main tings: on Jan 23 I attended the exhibition at Bersenevskays nab. Lumier Hall. We enjoyed Kandinskiy, Aivazovskiy and Rerikh there: On Jan 30 Slav's sister Alya died after struggling for recovery for many years. (Slav's Dad and Mom and Granny - they are Luthienians, Ukrainians and Russians)  mamy  year ago, Alya is in the centre. Belgorod at night                                                                                           3. On Feb the 16 Dima, Lena and Michael visited Granny - Mother Anna at her convent and made some good pics. I'm very happy they've done this.!!! 4. My Birthday (Feb 27) - nothing special.... 5. On Feb 26 to Feb 28 my friend and I went to Vladimir and its surroundings. It was really great!! These pics are about Vladfimir and POKROVA ON NERLI AND MANY MORE. GREAT!!! Love and hugs to all my dearest.

Late December 2022 - mid January 2023

Hey there.  Here we are, back in Moscow. Many things happened over this time. I'll tell you about them in turns on the 13th of Deceber we went to the huge concert hall - 'Crocus City Hall' to see the new year performance of our leading Russian stars. It was great, even though it was a present (tickets) from out friends from Switzerland and we didn't expect it'd be so good. Here are some pics: On the 23d of December we flew to Emirates (Dubai) to see Olia and the kids who flew there on 22d from the USA. It was great fun to be together after so long beingso  far away from each other. on the 31 of December we celebrated New Year 2023 at the hotel's beach that was arranged as a big stage with tables and screens. It was great and we waited till 24:00 (Duba's NY). Moscow NY was on 23:00 local time.  Before leaving (on January 4), Olia and kids took part in safari park camel adventure. It was amazing!! Slav and I decided to refrain. All was good, but on our arrival

November - mid December 2022

Hey there, This is my post after celebrating our Ruby Anniversary (40 years together, on December 2). It was in "Kavkazskaya Plennitsa" restaurant, which is our favourite as it belongs to Novikov's restaurant chain and the food is really delicious there. Unfortunately, some of our friends were unable to come because of flu epidemic in Moscow. But all in all, we had 12 people there. It was funny and homely at the place - we danced a lot and enjoyed good food. Have a look at some pics we made there: Love and hugs to all my nearest and dearest!