Extraordinary person - Vladimir Shikin
Hello there. I'm completing reading a book called "Easter Memory" which I bought in Diveevo and all these days I have been running under its great impression. The main personality there is a priest Vladimir Shikin, whose life is a real example of the life of a Saint. I've never thought that such people still can live among us and what he had done to people is really possible in our cruel time. The impression became even greater when I realized that I might have known him. I have two main reasons for this. Firstly, he studied in the MSSU at the same time as I did. Secondly, his face, in the early photographs I found in the book, seems to be very familiar to me. When I was in Diveevo, I just didn't realize that he was so great a person as we've become accustomed to hearing about some people who can do wonders or are like Saints etc. I just looked at the cross on his grave (among other most outstanding Diveevo's Saints) not knowing and realizing that he was s...